How are impurities in flake graphite measured

Flake graphite contains certain impurities, so how to measure the carbon content and impurities of flake graphite? The analysis of trace impurities in flake graphite is usually to remove carbon by pre-ashing or wet digestion of the sample, dissolve ash with acid, and then determine the content of impurities in the solution. Today, Furuite graphite xiaobian will tell you how to measure the impurities of flake graphite:

How are impurities in flake graphite measured

The determination method of flake graphite impurities is ashing method, which has some advantages and some difficulties.

1. Advantages of ashing method.

Ash method does not need to use pure acid to dissolve ash, so as to avoid the danger of introducing elements to be measured, so it is used more.

2. The difficulty of ashing method.

The determination of flake graphite ash is also difficult because ash enrichment requires burning at high temperatures, where ash sticks to the boat and is difficult to separate, making it impossible to accurately determine the composition and content of impurities. The existing methods are based on the platinum crucible and acid reaction characteristics, the use of platinum crucible burning flake graphite enrichment ash, and then directly connected in the crucible with acid heating solution treatment, determination of the composition of the solution can be calculated in the flake graphite impurity content. However, this method has certain limitations, because the flake graphite contains a large amount of carbon, which can make the platinum crucible brittle at high temperature and easily cause the fracture of the platinum crucible. The detection cost is very high, and it is difficult to be widely used. Since the impurities in flake graphite cannot be detected by conventional methods, it is necessary to improve the detection method.

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Post time: Apr-11-2022